You know how all those Baptists et alii will tell you really need to read your Bible every day and pray?
I got sidetracked by how often that's used to tweak the guilt church people often have.
So I've never actually done that as an intentional, consistent part of my life (qua how I use my time). What I've been discovering is that contact with God isn't a part of life, it is life (qua zoe, authentic, good, from the heart outward life).
The format I'm using is SOAP.
S Scripture
O Obsevation
A Analysis
P Prayer
You could substiture the S with Start easily; last Monday I could have easily written something good in this format starting with the Big Kahuna; today I could have done it with Cowboy Feng's Space Bar and Grill.
I think I'll mostly start with the lectionary from an Episcopal Book of Common Prayer I've been using.
I won't post every day. I'm going to be culling among what I generate every week, based on comfort/trust/privacy/safety then quality.
[For historical purposes, to show that one can beceome a better rhetor, the following is how I originally worded this post:
As a disciple I must learn from the Master, the Magister.
I learn from Him by drawing near to Him.
I draw near to Him by remembering Him, listening to Him, loving Him, longing for Him, enjoying Him, trusting Him, and believing His Best (which is the Best).
I remember Him in His Word.
Thus do I begin, what He has already begun, what was old when the world was new.
Are you glad I let most of my work settle before posting?]